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We need you

We need you

Healthcare volunteers can be the first faces a patient or family member sees when they arrive at the hospital, and their smiles provide welcome reassurance when it is needed the most. 

At Spartanburg Regional, our volunteers are individuals, ages 18 and up, who provide invaluable assistance to our staff, patients and visitors. Every facility has many areas that depend on volunteer assistance including flower delivery, the gift shop, greeting visitors and much, much more. 

A photo of a mature man with a beard dressed in a spartanburg regional volunteer jacket smiles at the camera.jpg
News & Highlights

News & Highlights

Proud to Be a Volunteer

Learn about just one of our many volunteers who support the system’s staff and create a positive, reassuring environment for patients and their families.

SRHS Volunteer standing in a hospital room

Read the story



How to Get Started

How to Get Started

To volunteer with us, we respectfully ask that you devote an average of four hours a week or at least 75 hours a year. All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. 

To get started, fill out our online application. When your application is received, we will complete a State Law Enforcement Division criminal background check and share information with you about onboarding requirements that must be completed before beginning as a volunteer. The onboarding process typically takes about one month. We want you to feel fully prepared for your exciting new role. 

Start your application

*We apologize our online application form is currently experiencing technical issues. Please check back soon to complete your application.

Groups and Donations

Groups and Donations

Pet Therapy Volunteers

Pet Therapy Volunteers

The volunteer Pet Therapy program at SRHS began in 2012 and consists of specially trained and certified dogs that visit patients during their hospital stay. 

The certified pet therapy dogs offer patients a soothing presence and provide a sense of companionship. Along with feeling less alone during a hospital visit, pet therapy can help patients and their families cope with worry and stress, because it’s hard not to smile when you see a happy face and a wagging tail!  

SRHS has incorporated pet therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy, into several of their facilities, including Spartanburg Medical Center, Spartanburg Medical Center – Mary Black Campus, Pelham Medical Center, Cherokee Medical Center and Hospice Home. 

A patient’s medical provider must approve pet therapy visits, and the dogs are only allowed in specific areas of the hospital.  

If you would like a pet therapy volunteer to visit you, or someone you know, during a hospital stay, ask a nurse or care provider to contact volunteer services.


All dogs that participate in SRHS pet therapy must complete a training and certification course that is sanctioned by an AKA-recognized pet therapy certification organization before they can apply to participate in the program.  

SRHS completes a background check on each dog owner/handler, and they must submit their dog’s updated paperwork and immunization records to the hospital each year. 

In-Person Volunteer Benefits

In-Person Volunteer Benefits

Some of the ways we say "thank you" are: 

  • Complimentary meals in on-campus café on workdays 
  • Service recognition pins 
  • Celebrations and special events 
  • 20% discount in Pelham Medical Center’s Twig & Vine Gift Shop and Spartanburg Medical Center’s Corner 101 Gift Shop 
  • Free annual flu shot 
  • In-service training 
  • Opportunity to develop a lifelong association with hospital associates and other volunteers