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Sample Schedule

Sample Schedule


8 a.m. – 5 p.m.: Clinical Practice (Wofford)


8 – 11:45 a.m.: Educational Instruction and Specialty Practice Observation

11:45 a.m. – 6 p.m.: Clinical Practice (North Grove)


8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Mentoring (Wofford)

Afternoon: Sports Specialty Observation


8 – 11:45 a.m.: Educational Instruction and Specialty Practice Observation

11:45 a.m. – 6 p.m.: Clinical Practice (North Grove)


8 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Clinical Practice (Wofford)

Afternoon: Sports Specialty Observation

Saturday & Sunday


Physical Therapy - Sports Residency Components

Physical Therapy - Sports Residency Components

Clinical Practice

Treatment of SRHS patients for 10-30 hours/week

Residents will perform clinical practice hours in which they provide physical therapy services at a Sports Medicine Institute outpatient facility. The goal of this content area is for the resident to gain experience in the management of sport and orthopaedic pathologies. Resident integrates education from all other major content areas into his/her clinical practice.

Clinical Mentoring

This time will be at the resident’s “home” clinic for 4 hours/week.

Resident receives one-on-one clinical mentoring for advanced clinical practice with live patient examinations. This occurs with a board-certified physical therapist with an OCS or SCS. Emphasis is placed on the clinical education area (upper extremity, lower extremity, spine and sports medicine) and phase of the patient/client management model (screening/examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, intervention and return to sport) being taught at that time.

It is also a time to be used for consultation of difficult cases, review of didactic material and hands-on practice of relevant skills.

Sports Specialty Training

Time at area high schools and Division I university under MD and/or ATC in training room and on-field/court 5 – 15 hours/week

Resident participates in the prevention, evaluation, treatment and triage of sports related injuries. In addition, the resident is exposed to varying sports specialty skills.

  • Develop basic competency in wrapping, taping and equipment fitting
  • Gain experience with on the field emergency management of sport related injuries that include spine boarding, splinting, face mask removal, equipment removal and emergency transport.
  • The resident receives exposure and training related to maximizing the athlete’s sport performance including off-season training and the effects of nutrition and environment on performance.

Clinical Investigation

2 – 4 hours/week

The resident will be directly involved in data collection of ongoing studies and/or create their own case study to be given as a platform presentation at CSM or submit for publication in a rehabilitation journal.

Educational Instruction

3-5 hours/week

The main educational instruction will occur weekly in the form of a journal club and didactic sessions (lecture and lab). These sessions will cover UE, LE, spine, sports medicine and sports performance.

Other educational instruction will occur in a self-study format through Medbridge, weekend continuing education courses, and collaboration with the osteopathic school and medical students/residents.

Specialty Practice Observation

2-4 hours/week

Designed for the resident to experience the multidisciplinary management of the entire athlete.

The resident will be required to participate in mentored/observational experiences to include the following disciplines of healthcare professionals:

  • Sports performance and enhancement training
  • Sports primary care physician clinical observation
  • Orthopaedic surgeon clinical observation
  • Surgical procedures observation