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Location Information

Location Information

Hours of Operation

Spartanburg Medical Center (Regional Outpatient Center): 7:30 a.m. – 11 p.m.

North Grove Medical Park: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Pelham Medical Center: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Gibbs Cancer Center (PET/CT Department): 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.



Department Phone Number

Spartanburg Medical Center: 864-560-6166

North Grove Medical Park: 864-560-9009

Pelham Medical Center: 864-530-4664

Gibbs Cancer Center (PET/CT): 864-560-6414



After Hours Phone Numbers

Spartanburg Medical Center: 864-560-6166

Pelham Medical Center: 864-530-4664


Procedures and Diagnostic Services Provided

Procedures and Diagnostic Services Provided

Bone scan – total body, limited bone, 3-phase bone, SPECT/CT bone scan

  • No prep needed


  • Only performed at Regional Outpatient Center.
  • No Plavix® for 2 days; hold morning blood thinners.
  • If patient is on Coumadin®, have labs drawn and discuss with radiologist prior to lumbar puncture.
  • No blood thinners or aspirin for 2 days prior to exam.


  • Patient should be well hydrated before scan.

GI Bleed Scan

  • No prep needed.
  • Not performed as an outpatient.

Gallium Scan

  • No prep needed.

Gastric Empty

  • 4 hour outpatient exam.
  • NPO 4 to 6 hours before exam.
  • No anti-nausea or pain medication 4 hours before exam.
  • Medications affecting gastric motility stopped 2 days prior to exam.
  • Diabetic patients need to bring glucose meter to appointment.


  • No food by mouth (NPO) 4 hours and no pain medications 4 hours prior to exam.

I-123 MIBG

  • Contact nuclear medicine for patient preparation.

In111/TC99 WBC (Leukocyte scan)

  • No prep needed.

Liver RBC

  • No prep needed.

Lung Scan (VQ scan)

  • No prep needed.
  • Chest x-ray within 24 hours of exam start.

Lymphoscintigraphy (only performed at SMC and PMC)

  • No prep needed.


  • No prep needed.

Meckle’s Scan

  • No food by mouth (NPO) 4 hours prior to exam.
  • No barium, laxatives or aspirin 5 days prior to exam.

Myocardial Perfusion (nuclear stress test)

  • No food by mouth (NPO) 4 hours prior to exam.
  • No caffeine or nicotine 24 hours prior to exam.
  • No heart or blood pressure medications the day of exam.
  • Bring a list of all medications to appointment.


  • Mild laxative (citrate of magnesium) day before exam.

PET/CT Bone Scan

  • No prep needed.

PET/CT Brain Scan

  • If exam is for seizure, no anticonvulsants the day of or any seizures at least 4 hours prior.

PET/CT Scan – Oncology

  • Only performed at Regional Outpatient Center.
  • No food by mouth (NPO) 4 to 6 hours prior to exam (water is fine).
  • Patient well hydrated.
  • No diabetic meds.
  • No strenuous exercise 24 hours prior to exam.

Parathyroid Scan

  • No prep needed.


  • No prep needed.

Renal DMSA

  • Patient well hydrated.

Renal ERPF (Triple renal scan)

  • Patient well hydrated.

Renal Scan with Captopril

  • Patient well hydrated.
  • No ACE inhibitors or Lasix® 48 hours prior to exam.

Renal Scan with Lasix®

  • Patient well hydrated.
  • Patient off Lasix® for 48 hours prior to exam.

Thyroid Therapy – Hyperthyroid/Cancer

  • Only performed at Regional Outpatient Center.
  • Contact nuclear medicine for patient preparation.

Thyroid Uptake and Scan

  • Only performed at Regional Outpatient Center.
  • NPO after midnight.
  • No fish oil 2 weeks prior to exam.
  • Off thyroid medications as follows:
    • Methimazole/PTU 5-7 days prior;
    • Cytomel 10 to 14 days prior to exam;
    • Synthroid® 4 weeks prior to exam;
    • No iodinated contrast 4 weeks prior to exam.

Xofigo-Ra223 Therapy

  • Need labs.
  • Patient’s current weight.

Y-90 Sirshperes

  • Current billirubin – work up with IR Radiologist.

Zevalin Therapy

  • Need labs.
  • Patient’s current weight.
  • Pregnancy test – if applicable.
  • Bone marrow biopsy results.